Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Number:86 - 0
Name:Santiago Ramon y Cajàl
Year, Birth:1852
Year, Death:1934
Profession:prof histology
Country:SPAIN (ES)
Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1906
Motivation:Work on the structure of the nervous system (see comment 1).
Name:P Casanova
Country:SPAIN (ES)
Comments: 1. Special mention of the publication "Textura del sistemo nervioso del hombre y de los vertebrados" (Texture of the human and vertebrate nervous systems). Additional nominators are: José M. Machi, Juan Bartual, Jésus Bartrina, R. Mollà, Const. Gomez y Reig, Franco Orts y Orts, E. Slocker, V. Peset, P. Garin, M. Candelay, J. Magraner, Enrique Lopez, F. Moliner, R. Gómez Ferrer, all professors of the medical faculty in Valencia, ES. See entry 86-1. See also entries 76-1 and 76-2 (one letter, divided into two entries) which contained only notification from the professors of the medical faculty in Valencia that they had sent the nomination (entries 86-1 and 86-2; also one letter, divided into two entries).