Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:4 - 1
Name:Cordell Hull
Year, Birth:1871
Year, Death:1955
Profession:Secretary of State (1933-44).
City:Washington, DC
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1945
Motivation:Hull was nominated for his work as US Secretary of State. Before the war he had worked for better relations with Latin America and to reduce international trade restrictions. Most important to the nominator was, however, Hull's contribution in the founding of the United Nations. He was crucial to the process that led to the Dumbarton Oaks proposal for a new world organization in 1944.
Name:Halvdan Koht
Year, Birth:1873
Year, Death:1965
Profession:Historian and former foreign minister. Former member of the Nobel Committee (1919-1937, 1940-1942).
University:University of Oslo
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Comments: The nominations made in 1944 and 1945 were valid for both the reserved prize for 1944 and for the 1945 prize. Koht nominated Cordell Hull for the peace prize, but he also mentioned seven other candidates that were qualified for the peace prize. However, he did not explicitly nominate any of them. The persons mentioned were: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston S. Churchill, Anthony Eden, Josef Stalin, Max Litvinov, Edvard Benes, Jan Smuts.