Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:5 - 3
Name:Chevalier Edouard Eugène F Descamps
Year, Birth:1847
Year, Death:1933
Profession:Professor of International Law
City:Leuven (Louvain Löwen)
Country:BELGIUM (BE)
Motivation:Descamps was nominated for his inter-parliamentary peace work. President of the sixth Inter-Parliamentary Peace Conference in Brussels in 1895, and Belgian delegate to the peace conference at The Hague in 1899. He was elected Secretary General of the Institute of International Law in 1900. Descamps wrote significant works on neutrality and disarmament, and he also contributed to the abolitionist movement.
Name: The Austrian Inter-Parliamentary Group (Pirquet)
Profession:Members of Parliament
Country:AUSTRIA (AT)
Comments: Pirquet wanted the Norwegian Nobel Committee to bestow an honorary peace award on Czar Nikolai II of Russia for his initiative that resulted in the 1899 Hague Peace Conference. In addition, Pirquet wished that the Nobel Committee would divide the prize money between some worthy peace workers, namely William Randall Cremer, Chevalier Descamps, Frédéric Passy and Bertha von Suttner.