Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:6 - 1
Name:Christian Lous Lange
Year, Birth:1869
Year, Death:1938
Profession:Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (1909-1933).
University:Kristiania University
City:Kristiania (now Oslo)
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1921
Motivation:Lange served as secretary to the Norwegian Nobel Committee from 1901 to 1909, and he played an important role in the founding and development of the Norwegian Nobel Institute that opened in 1905. He advocated peace and disarmament and he attended several international peace conferences. Lange was secretary general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union from 1909 to 1933. During WWI he moved the office of the Inter-Parliamentary Union to Oslo, in order to continue and preserve the work of the Union and to protect its records from possible wartime destruction.
Name:Halvdan Koht
Year, Birth:1873
Year, Death:1965
Profession:Professor of History. Member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee (1919-1937, 1940-1942).
University:Kristiania University
City:Kristiania (now Oslo)
Country:NORWAY (NO)