Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:6 - 5
Name:Mahatma Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Year, Birth:1869
Year, Death:1948
Profession:Jurist. Leader of Indian nationalist, independence and social justice movements
Country:INDIA (IN)
Motivation:Gandhi advocated racial, social and political peace, and he was "a living incarnation of the ideal of peace itself" while leading the Indian nationalist movement in a non-violent struggle against British rule.
Name: 6 Professors of Law at the University of Bordeaux (Maurice Duverger)
Profession:Professors of Law
University:University of Bordeaux
Country:FRANCE (FR)
Comments: Gandhi was shot by a Hindu fanatic January 30, 1948. The Norwegian Nobel Committee decided that there would be no award in 1948, and that the statutes of the Nobel Foundation did not allow them to award a post mortem peace prize. The Swedish Nobel Foundation had strongly recommended that they did not give the prize to Gandhi post mortem.