Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:7 - 2
Name:John Raleigh Mott
Year, Birth:1865
Year, Death:1955
Profession:Methodist layman and evangelist. World ecumenical leader.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1946
Motivation:Mott was nominated for his work in international ecclesiastical and missionary movements for more than 40 years, promoting goodwill, international understanding and cooperation as the foundation of lasting peace. He contributed to the establishment of the modern ecumenical movement, and also the formation of the World Council of Churches.
Name: Members of the Danish parliament and government
Profession:Members of parliament and government
Country:DENMARK (DK)
Comments: Mott was the former Secretary (1888-1915) of the International Committee of the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA). He was Chairman of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions (1915-28) and of the International Missionary Council from 1921. The nomination was signed by Paul Holt, von Fibiger and Fleming Hvidberg (members of the Danish parliament); M. Hartling (minister of education), C.M. Hermansen (minister of church), and by Henry Ussing (professor of law/jurisprudnence). It had been submitted by Paul Holt, and it was supported by several Danish clergymen and bishops, including archbishop Erling Eidem.