Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:9 - 1
Name:Sir Ralph Norman Angell Lane
Year, Birth:1872
Year, Death:1967
Profession:Journalist, editor, author and lecturer.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1933
Motivation:Angell was nominated for his book "The Great Illusion" (1910). He claimed that it was an illusion that war could be profitable to a nation, and he also maintained that this illusion was going to lead Europe into a state of war.
Name:Evelyn Wrench
Profession:Member of the British parliament
Comments: The nomination was made on behalf of the following members of the British parliament: Earl Beauchamp, Lord Loreburn, John Burns, Geo. N. Barnes, J. Ramsday Macdonald, Keir Hardie, Viscount Esher, Lord Avebury, Lord Weardale, Lord Courtney of Penwith, Sir John E. Barlow, Chas. Trevelyan, Arnold Rowntree, D.M. Mason, A.F. White, Noel Buxton, W.P. Byles. Lord Courtney of Penwith and Hardie did not actually sign the nomination, but the former stated that "By his book entitled "The Great Illusions", Mr. Norman Angell has done more to destroy the modern justification for war than has been done by all the advocates of peace combined." The letter was also signed by H. Franklin-Bouillon, member of the French parliament.