Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:1 - 3
Nominee 1:
Name:Jane Addams
Year, Birth:1860
Year, Death:1935
Profession:Social reformer and pacifist. Author. Leader of the American settlement house movement. Co-founder of WILPF.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1931
Nominee 2:
Name:Ludwig Quidde
Year, Birth:1858
Year, Death:1941
Profession:Veteran peace leader. Historian. Journalist. Chairman of the German Peace Society.
Country:GERMANY (DE)
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 1927
Motivation:Addams was the co-founder and president of the Women's Peace Party (1915). In 1915 she attended the Women's Peace Conference at The Hague, and she was elected president of the International Committee of Women for Permanent Peace. After the conference Addams and several of the delegates went on a peace mission to the European political leaders and to the American president. Addams was elected president of the newly formed Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) at the second Women's Peace Conference in 1919. She presided over the 4th regular peace conference held by the WILPF in Washington in 1924. It adopted a manifesto stating that civilization can only be rebuilt on international justice, renouncing the Treaty of Versailles. It furthermore demanded democratic control over foreign policy, social peace and a stronger international organization. Quidde joined the German Peace Society in 1892 (chairman 1914-1929), and in 1894 he founded a peace association in Munich. He was a prominent advocate of peace and pacifism. From 1907 to 1919 Quidde was a liberal member of the Bavarian parliament and member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union. In 1919 he joined the Democratic Party and from 1919 to 1920 he served as a member of the National Assembly. He denounced the German war-guilt clause of the Versailles Treaty and he opposed the revival of German militarism. He was chairman of the German Peace Cartel 1921-29. Quidde advocated German admittance to the League of Nations.
Name:Helene Stöcker
Profession:Member of the Commission of the Permanent International Peace Bureau.
Country:GERMANY (DE)
Comments: Addams founded several settlement houses, most notably Hull House in Chicago. Her aim was to improve the living conditions of immigrants and working class people through educational and philantropic activities. Addams was also on the short list, but no new evaluation was requsted.