Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:16 - 1
Name: The Nordic Peace Association (Nordisk Fredsforbund)
Motivation:C.B. Hanssen initiated the founding of the Nordic Peace Association in 1912. The Nordic Peace Association consisted of Nordic peace organizations. These organizations had since 1885 met on a regular basis, and they had developed some form of co-operation, but they needed a more formal and regulated structure. The charter of the Nordic Peace Association stated that its aim was to be the cornerstone in a world peace association that would work to secure peace by advocating international law and disarmament.
Name:Cornelius Bernhard Hanssen
Profession:Member of the Norwegian parliament. Member of the Nobel Committee (1913-1939).
Country:NORWAY (NO)
Comments: In his evaluation, Ragnvald Moe stated that the Nordic Peace Association could not yet be regarded as an existing organization. It lacked the legal body required in order to be defined as an organization by the statutes for the Nobel Peace Prize.