Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:19 - 1
Name: Union of Democratic Control
Motivation:The Union of Democratic Control was founded by Ramsay Macdonald (M.P.), Charles Trevelyan (M.P.), Norman Angell and E.D. Morel in 1914. It was one of several European organizations founded in order to make preparations for a lasting peace. In 1915 the Union had 61 subdivisions in Great Britain, 20 of them in London, and it became the centre of the British internationalist movement that advocated international understanding, democratic control and disarmament. It also demanded the abolition of secret diplomacy in order to gain democratic control over foreign policy. In June 1917 the Union made public an elaborated draft of the conditions of peace that corresponded with Wilson's fourteen points from his speech held on January 8, 1918. The Union published the periodical "Foreign Affairs".
Name:Ben. C Spoor
Profession:Member of the British parliament