Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:2 - 6
Name:Alejandro Alvarez
Year, Birth:1868
Year, Death:1960
Profession:Jurist. Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (1907-1920)
University:University of Santiago
Country:CHILE (CL)
Motivation:Alvarez was nominated for his contribution to the reconstruction and codification of international law. Delegate to several Pan-American congresses. He advocated "American international law".
Name: Members of the Perm. Court of International Justice,Institute of Internat. Law
Profession:Members of the Permanent Court of International Justice / Institute of International Law
Comments: The nomination was signed by several members of the Court of International Justice and the Institute of International Law, includingJ. Guerrera, Urrutia, H. Fromageot, de barra, and Charles Lyon-Caen. The nomination was originally sent by J. Guerrera (Vice President of the Court of International Justice ), but since he probably was not entitled to nominate, it was submitted by Count Rostworowski (member of the Court of International Justice at The Hague). The nominators emphasized the fact that no earlier Latin American had received the Nobel Peace Prize.