Nomination Archive

Nomination for Nobel Peace Prize
Number:29 - 1
Name:Otto Umfrid
Year, Birth:1857
Year, Death:1920
Profession:Pastor. Chairman of the Stuttgart branch of the Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft.
Country:GERMANY (DE)
Motivation:Umfried was chairman of the Stuttgart Peace Society and vice-president of the German Peace Society. He worked hard to change the attitude of the German evangelical clergy towards peace. He wrote and published numerous articles on peace. His major work was "Europa den Europäern. Politische Ketzereien".
Name: 24 members of the Würtemberg Parliament (House of Deputies)
Profession:Members of Parliament
Country:GERMANY (DE)
Comments: The nominators also wished to promote the candidacies of Dr. Adolf Richter, chairman of the Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft, and Henri Dunant.